Back to Business


I have missed blogging and I hope you’ve missed me too because as long as this urge lasts you’re stuck with me.  Photography has almost always been a part of my SL and lately I have seen some really great pieces and I so desperately want to learn the techniques to make better images.  Any tips or tutorial links in the comments are much appreciated.

Most of what I am wearing is from the current March 2014 “Back to Business” round of Collabor 88.  Credits are available after the cut.

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Gorgeous Mesh Hair from Elikatira

I’m really excited about mesh and this hair is one of the many reasons why I wish more people would update their viewers and embrace mesh.  For a long time I’ve always really been irritated about how our side braids or even longer hairstyles were forever going through our shoulders.  NO MORE!

Vernice Burks 2-8-2012


Here’s just a quick rundown of the styling credits:

New skin for me and my new daily is from Filthy.
The eyes are my normal from Poetic Colors and the lashes are really the best I’ve found and can be found at FTL.
The gorgeous jewelry is from Amorous, if you haven’t been to this store you will not be disappointed.
This sweater dress can be found at Addict and really is a must have for the coming spring.

Happy Labor Day, America!

For Americans, Labor Day is a day to celebrate the economic and social contributions of workers.  I don’t know much more about it except that when I was a kid it always meant a day off school which was awesome!
Shangri La Style 9-5-2011

This blog post really came out of nowhere when I was texture shopping at Distressed, located on the Eternidad sim, and saw the adorable landscaping.  As I looked out across the field I spotted this swingset and hopped on in exactly what I was wearing for a photo.  Then I thought I may as well blog it since I had the photo and pretty cute look already done. Continue reading

Bah Humbug to Monday.. but yay for more MESH

I’m going to ramble a bit and then get to the point.  I tried going to sleep at a reasonable time last night and after laying in bed for 4 hours I gave up.  Came on SL and surprise, I guess today was Christmas for me because I got these totally awesome new MESH MESH MESH dresses from JANE.

Shangri La Style 8-29-2011

Please ignore the quality of this photo, that’s actually what the title of the post is about.  Anything that could go wrong trying to take this photo did.  I’m having the worse issues with my graphics and I don’t even know what to do anymore.  OpenGL issue with a GTX 460 card. Anyone else having this problem or had that can help me troubleshoot that would be awesome.

Anyway, to the point… How totally cute are those boots?  While I was digging through my inventory to find the right shoes I got the Lelutka notice for these new boots so I went over and grabbed them and my look was complete.

Stytling details after the cut.

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Frilly Vest 5/31/2011

We apologize for the delay in updates the past 10 days or so, we were both on a bit of a hiatus while I was on RL vacation and mom was building a new house.

Grixdale is becoming a frequently blogged shop from me and I must say I’m very thankful to be part of the blogger group of the store.  I really do love most of what comes out in the store and although this look came together by off chance with some of the new releases from that shop I really wanted to show off my new shoes!

I can’t say that I’m guilty of going through all the shoe fair sims or that I even purchased more than a handful of items but I absolutely love the pair of shoes I purchased from Pixel Mode.  The proceeds of this shoe went to the charity which “collects new shoes to give relief to the victims of abject suffering and collects used shoes to support micro-business efforts to eradicate poverty”.

Shangri La Style 5-29-2011

The shoes went as a good accessory to my bit of a quirky look today.  I put on a dress from Grixdale and decided it matched well and as I was thinking of a location for the photo I remembered how I always loved the Malt sim owned by designer Khea Karas.  I ventured over to the sim and decided to peek in to the shop to see if I could possibly throw anything over the thin straps of this dress since I always was a fan of Khea’s outerwear.  That’s when the frilly vest came into play which actually became my favorite part of this outfit second to the shoes.

The last thing I wanted to rave about is how adorable this skin is.  I like a very soft and natural skin and I’m so picky about them.  The only ones I’ve ever truly loved were from Exodi and Dutch Touch.  They are the only skins I wore for more than a few days but this Grixdale skin has been on me since it was sent to the blogger group.  Also it was extremely easy to tint the skin to match… truth be told I didn’t have to alter one of the preset skintones on the shoe HUD which makes these shoes even better for me!  This is the darkest tone which was sent.  I’m typically a bit more tan than this and I’m starting to think maybe that is what was making tinting sculpted feet such an impossible task but for now this is the skin I’m in.

Shangri La Style 5-29-2011 close

I grabbed a closeup of my ensemble as well to show you the face of the skin and the adorable jewelry which I received from the Virtual Fashion Feed Blogger Group that I recently was accepted to be a part of.

Credits after the cut.

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52 Weeks of Color: Week #2 – Blue

Blogger Color Challenge Week #2

Two weeks down, fifty more to go in the 52 weeks of color challenge!  I can’t believe that I actually am keeping up.  Now if I could only pull my absentee blogging partner away from real life to join me in the challenge.  A girl can dream, can she?

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Another Look of the Day by Me – LOTD 10/27/10


I have no anecdote for today’s look, I’m tired and all that jazz. I’m in love with the skin, the hair, the dress and the shoes so I blogged them.  Also, the pose is by a  new pose maker who happens to be a friend of mine (Hai Suri!). Credits below if you happen to like what I’m wearing; maybe you can come up with a better way of saying how much you love them.  I have no idea if anyone ever reads this blurb after the picture and before the credits anyway. If you do, say hai sometimes : D

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Casual Sunday – LOTD 10/17/10


Sundays for me are days made for rest.  As any of my friends and colleagues in both worlds can tell you, I refuse to do any type of work on Sundays, preferring to spend them reading, watching TV, shopping, cooking and just hanging out.  Of course this policy gets all muddied up when I decided to take on a renovation project at home or in world, but I pretty much adhere to it much to the dismay of certain loved ones.  But hey, they get to reap the benefits of a home-cooked five course Southern meal when I get around to it.  And of course, gifts from my shopping excursions!

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