Back to Business


I have missed blogging and I hope you’ve missed me too because as long as this urge lasts you’re stuck with me.  Photography has almost always been a part of my SL and lately I have seen some really great pieces and I so desperately want to learn the techniques to make better images.  Any tips or tutorial links in the comments are much appreciated.

Most of what I am wearing is from the current March 2014 “Back to Business” round of Collabor 88.  Credits are available after the cut.

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52 Weeks of Color – Champagne

As many of you know, Luna Jubilee, started a 52 week of color challenge last year and each week bloggers were given a new color.  I think I got about 8 of the weeks and kept meaning to catch up and eventually decided there was no way I could pull it off.  Needless to say I was a happy girl when I saw that she was giving slackers like me another year to redeem themselves so without further holdup lets get this rolling.

Week One: Champagne

Shangri La Style 1-5-2012

Dress: Celoe – Group Gift
Hair: Elikatira – Collabor88
Skin: Dutch Touch
Jewelry: Amorous
Shoes: Lelutka


PS. I know this was probably my laziest blog post to date but I took this photo weeks ago and just now got to editing it up.  (Conveniently just in time for the new cycle of color challenges.)  Also, fair warning… my next post is going to be pretty lazy as well because that photo is from the same day I took this one so same situation. ❤

Happy Labor Day, America!

For Americans, Labor Day is a day to celebrate the economic and social contributions of workers.  I don’t know much more about it except that when I was a kid it always meant a day off school which was awesome!
Shangri La Style 9-5-2011

This blog post really came out of nowhere when I was texture shopping at Distressed, located on the Eternidad sim, and saw the adorable landscaping.  As I looked out across the field I spotted this swingset and hopped on in exactly what I was wearing for a photo.  Then I thought I may as well blog it since I had the photo and pretty cute look already done. Continue reading

Bah Humbug to Monday.. but yay for more MESH

I’m going to ramble a bit and then get to the point.  I tried going to sleep at a reasonable time last night and after laying in bed for 4 hours I gave up.  Came on SL and surprise, I guess today was Christmas for me because I got these totally awesome new MESH MESH MESH dresses from JANE.

Shangri La Style 8-29-2011

Please ignore the quality of this photo, that’s actually what the title of the post is about.  Anything that could go wrong trying to take this photo did.  I’m having the worse issues with my graphics and I don’t even know what to do anymore.  OpenGL issue with a GTX 460 card. Anyone else having this problem or had that can help me troubleshoot that would be awesome.

Anyway, to the point… How totally cute are those boots?  While I was digging through my inventory to find the right shoes I got the Lelutka notice for these new boots so I went over and grabbed them and my look was complete.

Stytling details after the cut.

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Meet Mya ft. Collabor88

Shangri La Style 8-26-2011

This look features items from the Collabor88 project made by some of my favorite designers.  Everything there is 88L so it’s worth checking out if you haven’t. Get the look details after the cut and if you really want to you can read the stuff in between. ❤

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